Tag: Dual therapy

One or Two Antibiotics for Pseudomonas? A Look at the Data.

So, you are thinking about starting antibiotics to cover for pseudomonas? That is great. Piperacillin-tazobactam or cefepime are great choices. Perhaps ceftazidime is another one if you are feeling a bit wild. Piperacillin-tazobactam covers anaerobes while the other 2 do not, however metronidazole is a nice addition to the latter 2. Either way, these all

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Dual Therapy for MRSA Bacteremia – We Still Haven’t Figured it out

So MRSA is really hard to kill. If you have done any sort of ID, you will not be surprised by that statement. MRSA bacteremia has a high relapse rate. Because of this, people have tried multiple types of antibiotics, including Daptomycin and Ceftaroline, have been used with minimal change in the outcomes. In the

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